Hello, welcome to the BRF - Bedroom Rasslin' Federation
Today, on "Everyday Fights" we bring you...
That wild and crazy guy - Stone-Cold Sebastian
And his opponent - The Mystery Wrestler
He's really up for this match.
On your mark. Get set. Go!
A lightning move takes Stone-Cold by surprise
Brilliant! It's the Ear-flap opening!
The Mystery Wrestler uses the Cheek-Bite Takedown.
Stone-Cold is not amused.

He pushes his smaller opponent off.
And the battle is on.
What a fight!
The Mystery Wrestler gains the upper paw!
Then pulls a surprise move.
It's a Full-tail Nelson!
But Stone-Cold is sly.
It's the old Anal-Gland-Expression escape!
"Hey, there's a penalty for that."
MW is really mad, now.

He takes Stone-Cold down.
And gets Stone-Cold into position for the move that will reveal the mystery wrestler's true identity -
And the match is over. Stone-Cold knows when he's been licked.
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