Hello, Sebastian Spade, Private Nose, here. I'm on the case of a dasturdly villain.
Secret Agent James Cocker and I bummed out. Someone hijacked our blog last week and said we'd been eating glazy donuts, which of course are unhealthy for us.
At first I was amazed.
And then angry.
I'm going to find out who did this terrible insult to our reputation. Let me tell you what really happened last week.
Daddy Man had picked some fresh fall asparagoose. Every one knows raw asparagoose is non-fattening, prevents cancer and provides fiber in your diet. Unlike donuts, it's very good for you.
And that's why I love it.
I even steal it off the counter.
As you can see, James hesitates for a moment--and you know what they say about he who hesitates.
But he manages to get the next one.
And then slinks off to eat it in hiding. What? Does he think I'd steal it or something?
Anyway, you remember what I said about fiber. Oops! James can't handle it.
But don't worry, Seb Spade is on the case and I'll let you know if I find out who the hijacker is. I have my suspects.
Probably somebody cold and beady-eyed.
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