Monday, January 17, 2011

Everybody was Kluck-fu fighting

Yesterday, we went to Hal's Henhouse (He raises chickens, Delawares, Rhode Island Reds and Sex-link chickens.) and bought a dozen Delaware laying hens. As you may know, chickens must establish a pecking order, so there was a bit of commotion when I put them together in the evening. All the hens were flapping and kick boxing. But by next morning, peace returned to the coop.

Still, some of the older biddies get a serious case of the red-ass when they meet strangers.

But the roosters don't seem to mind. Here's a Barred Plymouth Rock Cock (yes, I'm allowed to say that.) strutting his stuff for the new girls.

But the white Delaware stud moves right in on the new opportunities.

So, the girls have their choice of the black cock, or the white cock.

They chose to have dinner, instead.

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! John, I always read your reports from the Dismal Swamp but don't comment often enough. Be it knownst that I'm lurking nearby.
