Hello, I'm Jamesy the Brave, Super-Dog. Behind me is Sebastian, who is also known as Captain Courageous. Don't tell anyone!
Here, Captain Courageous and I are looking for evil villains from our secret headquarters, which has some kind of walls you can see through, but bump your head if you try to walk through.
As you can see, we have a very modern spy device. If you look through this, monsters look like they are very close.
So we never look through it.
The Captain spies a monster.
It's Shadow Man!
We rush to the attack, but Shadow Man disguises himself as a plastic bag.
The Captain puts him down.
While I go on the look-out for the real Shadow Man.
I know he's around here somewhere.

For all I know, he could be right up my butt.
Oh, my gosh, there he is.
I think I'll go see my mommy, now.
Don't they know Caped Crusaders don't have to take baths?
Come back again for more adventures. My fur will be dry by then.
Now available online at Amazon Books.
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